Sunday, June 8, 2008

Oh no you didn't!

After the visit to the pound I went out looking for some shots for the cape's newest alternative newspaper C.O.D. I wandered into and shot some gamers.

Then it was on to Boston to meet up with the Daniel Elliott bachelor party party train. I have known Dan since 1997 and he is good people. I did not know most of the other guys in the group but did have a fun photography conversation with new friend James, who was toting around his Leica this eve as well.

We bar crawled Allston and ended up in Chinatown during the end of night drunken street festivities on a very warm June night. Almost, no it did, make me feel nostalgic for our city days.

During the walk from downtown back to our Cambrigde hotel at 2 am I noted to self that we should occasionally make a point of spending a night or weekend in Boston. Our maybe that was just the beer talking.

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