Sunday, October 4, 2009

day 256 September 13

Twice a year the Isola de Tino is opened to the public. We were fortunate enough to get to visit the island on one of these two days. Wikipiedia tells us about the island:
"The patron saint of the Gulf of La Spezia, Saint Venerius (Italian San Venerio), is said to have lived in on the island as a hermit, and later as abbot, until his death in 630.[1] His feast is celebrated here annually on 13 September. It is thought that a sanctuary was constructed at the place of Venerio's death to contain his remains and that this was extended to form a monastery in eleventh century. The remains of the monastery can be seen on the northern coast of the island.

Today the island, which is part of a military zone, is surmounted by a lighthouse.?"

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