Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This past weekend featured a celebration of the 20 years passed and the gathering of my high school classmates of 1988. Of our class of ~150 people, ~30, including myself managed to return to our old haunts. We boozed cruised the canal. We ate dinner to Guns and Roses.

Seeing some of these faces for the first time in over 20 years, shocked or pleased some distant part of the brain that is seldom accessed. Personally I do not feel like I am much different than that guy from all those years ago. Sure I am more experienced in someways. I have some knowledge I didn't then, but there are also some things good and bad lost from those days. These lost synapses make me feel a little nostalgic, but not a lot, today is like yesterday,like the days 20 years ago, just another day passed....

A special thanks should go to e for putting up with up all the hoopla.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about what an incredible 'kick" it was to see your incredibly handsome and hardly changed former teacher and tour guide?! Interesting site buddy boy...